As a National umbrella organization, it brings together National Paralympic Sports associations in Tanzania
We select, train, administer and lead all Tanzanian athletes, teams or organizations in the representation of Tanzania at the Paralympic Games and other IPC-sanctioned events.

OUR history
The history of the Tanzania Paralympic Committee – TPC can be traced back to 1983 when it was known as the Sports Association of the Disabled – SAD; SAD was established by one of the early and famous athlete of Tanzania, the late Mr. Hassan Chabanga Dyamwale.
In 1978, Mr. Hassan attended the International Olympic sports event in Turkey. As he witnessed some athletes with disability participating in wheelchair racing, throwing and other games, he was very much inspired. On his return, he vowed to encourage disability athletes in Tanzania to participate in Paralympic games believing that they are able to compete with other athletes around the World.
Upon his return, he visited the Salvation Army and Yombo Vocational Training centers of Dar es salaam and was happy to see students with disabilities practicing disability sports through a sports bonanza organized every Saturday at the National Stadium. He later on convened a meeting between the two centers that gave birth to the Sports Association for the Disabled – SAD, which was registered in 1983 by the National Sports Council – BMT and Mr. Hassan was the first Patron.
After registration, the association did the following outstanding things: –
- Started searching for athletes from all over the country to take part in athletics and football. The players used crutches to play football, other times they mixed with non-crutches users (but with disability) for better inclusion and enjoyment.
- Organized a sports seminar between Tanzania and Norway whereby persons with disabilities in Tanzania were included. The Norwegian funded two sports wheelchairs to SAD. They used those wheelchairs to compete within Dar es Salaam City from National Stadium to Anatouglo and back. Such competition recurred every year during the Saba saba exhibitions (National Farmer’s Day).
- In 1985, SAD saw the first two Tanzanians with disability participating in Stockholm open Olympics in Sweden (Mr. Nombo ‘Colombian’ and Matenus Likangaga) under auspices of the Swedish Sports Organizations for People with Disability.
It’s that time when SAD’s popularity grew and they introduced their own league that has attracted athletes from Dar es salaam and upcountry. The athletes joined TVETs with two objectives: – to study and participate in sports activities. Later in 1984 SAD was supported with more racing wheelchairs from Sweden which added taste of disability sports.
In the year 2000s, the International Paralympic Committee – IPC’s directives required every country to formulate the National Paralympic committees. This has necessitated the re-registration of SAD. Thus in 27th March 2008 the Sports Association of the Disabled – SAD changed its name to officially be known as “Tanzania Paralympic Committee – TPC”.
TPC’s Past Leaders

Johnson Meela
2004 - 2015

Gwakisa Mwakabeta
Vice President
2004 - 2015

Iddi Kibwana
Secretary General
2004 - 2015

abdallah posi
2004 - 2015
TPC’s Past Leaders

Gwakisa Mwakabeta
2015 - 2021

Samwel Kafyeta
Vice President
2015 - 2021

tuma dandi
Secretary General
2015 - 2021

Honorina Banzi
2015 - 2021